Martina Profile Photo

Martina Cardone

Assistant Professor
Keller Hall; 200 Union St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-1242


Research Interests

The primal goal of my research is two-fold: (i) develop theoretical frameworks that offer engineering guidelines and insights for the study of practically relevant problems and (ii) design of computationally feasible techniques aimed to achieve the fundamental theoretical performance limits as close as possible. Examples of topics that have been investigated include the design of: (i) high data rates transmission schemes for 5G heterogeneous/cognitive networks; (ii) low-complexity scheduling and selection algorithms for half-duplex relay networks; (iii) privacy-preserving data publishing techniques; (iv) secure communication strategies to limit network vulnerabilities; (v) distributed caching schemes that leverage probabilistic social interactions to realize bandwidth savings. The study of such topics touches upon properties and concepts from several research fields, such as information theory, optimization, network coding and algorithms. For more information about my research, please see my publications.


Note for Prospective Students: I am looking for motivated students to join my research group. If you are interested in joining my research group, please send me an email along with your CV explaining your research interests and background.


March 14, 2022

I am honored and delighted to be a recipient of the 2022 McKnight Land-Grant Professorship at the University of Minnesota

March 9, 2022

Minoh gave a talk "An Overview of Permutation Recovery Problems" at CISS 2022.

March 4, 2022

Our paper “Optimality of Energy-Efficient Scheduling and Relaying for Half-Duplex Relay Networks” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory – Information Theoretic Foundations of Future Communication Systems.

September 7, 2021

Jaimin joined my research group as Ph.D. student. Welcome!

August 17, 2021

Our paper “A General Derivative Identity for the Conditional Expectation with Focus on the Exponential Family” has been accepted for publication at the 2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW).